Some of our favorite people. I have a tribe – which mostly consists of myself and my husbands families, but there are many many moments when I am so grateful for people outside of our families, that help care for my children, and this family is very dear to us. Dorothy mothers so much in the same way i do and i feel like that gives us a level of comfort with each other and a level of trust. Finding great childcare can be tricky, and God has answered my prayers very specifically through this precious family. They obviously have big hearts and an open home and we love them for it.

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Lancaster PA Photographer
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Lancaster PA Photographer
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Lancaster PA Photographer
Lancaster PA Photographer
Lancaster PA Photographer
Lancaster PA Photographer
Lancaster PA Photographer
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“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

-Mother Teresa

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Lancaster PA Photographer
Lancaster PA Photographer
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We love you guys so much and we are thankful for you.

xoxo- diane, jaxon and emma