Let’s talk about quarantine, shall we?
When you think of your photography business and what you are NOT getting done or getting to do this year, i’m sure you can think of a million things. O my goodness, i know i can. My first thought was rest. Lord knows i needed some rest. Not sure i need a whole year of it, but okay.
My second thought was….. what could i be doing this year that i normally would not have time to get done? Or should i be doing nothing? Nothing sounded pretty good. For a while.
I have learned to lean into ideas i have with a slow kind of pressure.
I have this idea.
I want to do it.
Am i supposed to do it?
Let me reach out to a few people.
And see how it goes.
I worked with Caitlin before on our Castle Shoot. See Cairnwood Editorial. Her work is so beautiful. I asked her if she could send me some things to shoot. To play with. And she answered with so much enthusiasm. That is key for me. Enthusiasm. If someone (whose work you love) offers to do something for you free of charge and you don’t sound excited….
Different subject….
This shoot also introduced me to Maker’s Mark, whom i had never heard of. I love that! There are so many people and companies i have never met yet.
I love working with Nadine from Lancaster Flower Co
ANNNNDDD…my assistant Marsha IN my backyard. Not even my backyard we shot the entire thing on my driveway. You can do a lot with a very little.
And flowers. Never forget about the flowers.
All the flatware and plates and linens are from target i think. Items i already owned. Stemware was a gift to me from my mom years and years ago. These images are a great big mix of film and digital and it was as much fun as it looks!!! Now get out there and create something that brings you life! I’m already planning a few more and it keeps me excited about my work.
I made a few very big decisions this year. Chalk it up to lots of time to think…
One decision was that what you see here and what i do is actual work. I do love it and it does pay me money, but it also is time away from my children and in all fairness to them…. I am working. Sometimes these things can feel like hobbies and therefore not as important as a real job. Not true.
Two decision is that I have to be satisfied with what i am charging and getting paid. No one else can decide this for me. If I am working and taking time away from my kids AND working for their benefit then i need to be satisfied with my charges. No whining and bickering on my end cause that is only up to me. Charging my worth was a very long time coming for me.
Having children can really clear up some lost perspective. Anywho….
You can read all about how much i love Joshua Tree anything and how it ties in here over on my Instagram account! Match made in heaven!

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill.