A One year anniversary shoot at The Overlook Golf Course
Do not most people think their own families are crazy? Like when there is a family get together you would love to bring your friends, but then on the other hand, it feels safer if other people don’t see how cra cra you are? Well. I don’t know if i can explain this very well, but in my family, say my cousins… we use this very teenager ish way of talking sometimes. Beautiful things are “gorg” and the crazies among us are “cra cra”. These are adult women i’m talking about! There is adorbs and well… i could go on and on. I NEVER talk like this in any other situation. I try to keep it bottled up nice and pretty like. Don’t get me wrong, i love talking like that with them…. but. Okay, this story is long enough. When Zach and Megan showed up for their shoot and Zach (Yes, NOT Megan) started talking a little weirdo- schmeirdo…. well it made me feel at home and i felt like family. So here’s to Megan and Zach, who now feel like long lost cousins of mine! They are completely cool and gorg!

“In case you ever foolishly forget:
I am never not thinking of you.”
Virginia Woolf