You know what most creatives suffer from? Dry spells. No creativity. Too busy working to actually create. The constant access to technology for me can be completely draining so i cook. clean. read real paper books. etc. There is a way to combat it but you have to be vigilant. One of the best ways for me to get creative again is to drum up my own shoot. These shoots are often called Styled Shoots, Editorials, or (as i fondly call them) Vendor Shoots. I send out messages to some vendors whose work i adore and i ask them nicely if i can use their wares to create a shoot. If they say no, for whatever reason, i then ask them if they have any recommendations. This works really well for hair and makeup. I have been meeting the best people when i do this! I love love love it. And even though it takes more work on my part because someone gotta do all of this communicating…it is completely worth it. I also worked with a planner for the first time this year so for sure going to carry that forward into more of the larger shoots that i do. This shoot was inspired by the roaring 20’s and the entering of 2020. I, of course, had to watch both Gatsby movies to catch myself up on what the storyline was… and i am especially excited about the white flowing curtains in the one location we used. If you have not yet watched it, I would recommend the original, and not the 2013 one starring Matt Damon. No offense to anyone. All photos were taken with a Contax 645 (film camera) and a Canon EOS R (mirrorless digital).

Location #1
Was gonna be a gorgeous staircase but i could not figure out how to get in the building – so… we hopped in the car and drove a few miles to our first location. City Side on North Prince. An air b and b hosted by a friend of mine. Brides, if you need a place for your girls to get ready…cash in on this beautifully renovated city home for bridal portraits similar to this. We started with the Ettia gown (gatsby gown) and then finished with the Carmella gown. Model Lauren fit both of these gowns perfectly. For this particular shoot i was drawn to her fair skin and dark eyes. Just watch the movie would ya? ha ha.

Location #2
A building owned by The Christ and Claude Co.
I love how they do walls and wallpaper and it fit our theme to a T. Making it a tad bit more fun and playful and a little less serious. We started with the Carmella gown and ended with Ettia. You know, trying to change gowns as little as possible. The light in the second room was incredible. I love the light!
Also noticed how our model has a hint of Jolie in her? Yes. So beautiful. Lauren is not really a model, she has been married to her husband for 6 months. She cleans and is a market girl and makes a very good model if you need one! I do love using real paid models, as well, but sometimes just a normal person who is not a model does a fantastic job, too.

Location #3
Blue Marsh Lake. State Hill Boat Ramp. Pennsylvania does have the craggy out rocks and beautiful vast locations, but you have to know where to find them. This is one of my children’s favorite places to go. We shot here for about…. 10 minutes? 15? It was literally freezing and i did not want Lauren to hate me forever. We shot one roll of film and (one roll of) digital. It was gorgeous with the sun setting behind the trees!

Be sure to check out our socials for all the vendors behind this shoot. I would one hundred percent recommend each one of them!