I had the best time getting to know Zach and Anna as we traipsed around Longwood for their engagement session! We are so excited for their April wedding!

Zach + Anna | Longwood Garden

Senior session meadows

Senior Alayna

As soon as i met these two I knew we were gonna have so much fun together! We completely enjoyed the warmth and vibrance of the indoor gardens for this session.

Isaac + Ellen | A Longwood Engagement

The sweetest family combined with the most gorgeous sunset always equals a really good evening in my books!

Tim Lavina Fam

This newborn session grabbed my heart with the age of the siblings and the family pet. How dear is this family and their stage of life?

Baby Bryce

An in home session I wish everyone could hear this momma’s story. Even though this was something she and her husband really really wanted… it was not an easy journey, and I feel like pregnancy is that for so many people. It is just really hard. She endured so much physical pain in her body […]

Baby Z

Harrisburg Family Photographer

The Stevensons